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Kategorie: Call for Papers


CFP: Panel “Monasteries and Environment” ESEH Versailles 2015 | #ESEH2015

Veranstalter: European Society for Environmental History (ESEH)’s 8th biennial conference “Greening History: Studying the Environment across Disciplines, Past, Present and Future” Datum, Ort: 30.06.2015–03.07.2015, Versailles Deadline: 20.09.2014 We intend to submit one or two panels on “Monasteries and Environment” for the ESEH...


Ank./CfP: Bloggen in Geschichtswissenschaft und Archivwesen (Workshop, Wien, 10.11.2014) | #wbgavie

Montag, 10. November 2014 (ganztägig) Universität Wien Veranstalter: Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, Wien Organisation: Maria Rottler (Regensburg), Thomas Stockinger (Wien) Weblogs gewinnen in Geschichtswissenschaft und Archivwesen [1] inzwischen auch im deutschsprachigen Raum zunehmend an Bedeutung. [2] Sie erlauben es, schnell und kostenlos...


CfP: Pitfalls, Problems and Promises: Using Prosopography in Medieval Monastic Studies | #IMC2015

Prosopography in Medieval Monastic Studies – Call for Papers We will be at Leeds International Medieval Congress in 2015! Session title: Pitfalls, Problems and Promises: Using Prosopography in Medieval Monastic Studies Using prosopography in monastic studies can be useful but...


CfP: ‘Profitable and Spedful to Use’. Medieval and Early Modern Prayer, a postgraduate conference

‘Profitable and spedful to use’: Medieval and Early Modern Prayer, a Postgraduate Conference Friday 19th September 2014, Cardiff University Generously funded by Cardiff University Graduate College, this one-day conference will address the theme of prayer in the Medieval and Early Modern periods.  Given its...


CFP: Scientiae. Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World (Toronto) | #Scientiae2015

Victoria College, University of Toronto, 27-29 May 2015 Keynotes: Anthony Grafton (Princeton) & Peter Dear (Cornell) Paper, panel, and round-table proposals are invited for Scientiae 2015: the fourth annual international conference on the emergent knowledge practices of the early-modern period (1450-1750). The major premise of this...


CfP: The Fourteenth International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Rotterdam)

First Announcement The Fourteenth International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies Opening Markets, Trade and Commerce in the Eighteenth Century Erasmus University Rotterdam, July 26-July 31, 2015 The Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) is the world’s largest Eighteenth-Century meeting, and...


CfP: ARMARIUM. Buchkultur in Oberpfälzer Klöstern

Call for Papers: ARMARIUM. Buchkultur in Oberpfälzer Klöstern Tagung in der Provinzialbibliothek Amberg 3.–4. Juli 2015 Deadline: 31.07.2014 Informationen zur Tagung: Die für den 3. und 4. Juli 2015 in der Provinzialbibliothek Amberg geplante Tagung „ARMARIUM. Buchkultur in Oberpfälzer Klöstern“ ist offen für alle Facetten...


CfP: Women’s Active Religious Communities in Early Modern Europe and Beyond

Organizers: Liise Lehtsalu, Brown University, and Sarah Moran, Universities of Bern and Antwerp Women’s Active Religious Communities in Early Modern Europe and Beyond Despite early modern church authorities’ ambivalence towards unenclosed, active female religious communities, such communities proliferated and thrived in late sixteenth-...


CfP: The Dynamic Middle Ages II

The Dynamic Middle Ages II PhD and post-doctoral training school The first phase: Russia, Moscow 7th – 10th October 2014 Following the first international doctoral and postdoctoral school on ‘The Dynamic Middle Ages’ in Moscow in 2012, the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Department of History...


L’autre : moines et moniales chartreuses et le profane

La journée détude organisée conjointement par le laboratoire CREHS de l’université d’Artois et l’Association Mahaut d’Artois (avec le soutien financier d’Artois Comm.) et la quatrième du genre. Elle est cette fois consacrée aux relations qu’entretenait l’ordre cartusien avec le siècle. Les relations...


CfP: Early Modern Women, Religion, and the Body

22-23 July 2014, Loughborough University Plenary speakers: Professor Mary Fissell (Johns Hopkins) and Dr Katharine Hodgkin (UEL) With public lecture by Alison Weir (evening of 22 July, Martin Hall Theatre) This two-day conference will explore the response of early modern texts to...


CfP: Ordenshistoriographie in Mitteleuropa – Gestaltung und Wandlung des institutionalen und persönlichen Gedächtnisses in der Frühen Neuzeit

Auf Initiative des Mährischen Landesarchivs Brünn und des Diözesanarchivs St. Pölten ist – nach nunmehr fast sechs Jahren – eine Fortsetzung der im Oktober 2008 ins Leben gerufenen Tagungsreihe „Monastica Historia“ geplant. Das nächste Symposium findet von 23.-24. September 2014 in St....