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Eighteenth-Century Thought: Call for Submissions for Volume 6

Eighteenth-Century Thought
Edited by
Jeffrey D. Burson
Georgia Southern University
ISSN: 1545-0449
Set ISBN-13: 978-0-404-63760-6

Call for Submissions for Volume 6

Eighteenth-Century Thought is an international, interdisciplinary annual founded for the purpose of advancing the study of the long eighteenth century from c. 1650 to the end of the Atlantic and European Revolutionary Era (c. 1750–1850).  The annual publishes research pertinent to the fields of Revolutionary Europe, the history of the Atlantic world, the Enlightenment, the globalization of thought and culture between c. 1650–1850, the history of political thought and philosophy, eighteenth-century cultural and literary studies, history of science, legal history, the intersection of Enlightenment and religion, as well as economic thought and the human sciences as they were conceived and pursued from the middle seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century.

Eighteenth-Century Thought is a refereed, peer-reviewed journal.  All submissions are subject to editorial review and review by outside readers. The journal is abstracted and indexed in Book Review Index, International Political Science Abstracts, The Philosopher’s Index, Religion Index One, Sociological Abstracts, Humanities Index, Social Sciences Index, and Index to Legal Periodicals.

Submissions should be emailed as .doc or .docx files to and should not exceed 10,000 words (text and notes inclusive). All footnote references must follow the most recent edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, and the author should only be identified on a separate cover page. Finally, authors must include a short, alphabetized list of key concepts for indexing, pending acceptance for publication.


Editorial Board

Michael Bradie, Bowling Green State University
James Bradley, Fuller Theological Seminary
Kevin Cope, Louisiana State University
Baerbel Czennia, McNeese State University
Timothy Costelloe, College of William and Mary
Julia Douthwaite, University of Notre Dame
James Engell, Harvard University
James E. Force, University of Kentucky, Emeritus
Christopher Fox, University of Notre Dame
Daniel Garber, Princeton University
Graeme Garrard, Cardiff University
Mark Goldie, University of Cambridge
Knud Haakonssen, University of Sussex, Emeritus
Emmet Kennedy, George Washington University, Emeritus
Frieda Koeninger, Sam Houston State University
Sang Hyun Lee, Princeton Theological Seminary
Ulrich L. Lehner, Marquette University
Marc Lerner, University of Mississippi
David Lieberman, University of California, Berkeley
David Mazella, University of Houston
James McClellan, Stevens Institute of Technology
John R. Milton, King’s College, London
Kenneth Minkema, Yale University
Melvyn New, University of Florida
Mark Noll, University of Notre Dame
Pauline Phemister, University of Edinburgh
John Russell Roberts, Florida State University
Lisa Rosner, Richard Stockton College
John Scanlan, Providence College
Paul Schuurman, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Justin E. H. Smith, Concordia University
Tom Stoneham, University of York
Laura Thomason, Middle Georgia State College
Janie Vanpée, Smith College
Peter Walmsley, McMaster University
Byron Wells, Wake Forest University
Catherine Wilson, University of York
John P. Wright, Central Michigan University
Brian W. Young, University of Oxford


Prof. Dr. Ulrich L. Lehner, Religious History and Historical Theology, Marquette University, Milwaukee USA

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