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Weblog: COST Action IS1301. New Communities of Interpretation [Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe]

Weblog CostIS1301

This blog is intended as a platform for the dissemination of the results of COST Action IS1301 “New Communities of Interpretation. Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (2013-2017)” ( and short publications by its members. The Action aims to coordinate research activities being currently developed at several European universities and research institutes and create a (virtual) centre of expertise for the study of religious culture in late medieval and early modern Europe, a period traditionally depicted as one of great cultural discontinuity and binary oppositions between learned (Latin) and unlearned (vernacular) and ecclesiastical hierarchy and the lay believers. Challenging stereotypical descriptions of exclusion of lay and non-Latinate people from religious and cultural life the project, this Action will concentrate on the reconstruction of the process of emancipation of the laity and the creation of new “communities of interpretations”. The Action will therefore analyze patterns of social inclusion and exclusion and examine shifts in hierarchic relations amongst groups, individuals and their languages, casting new yet profoundly historical light on themes of seminal relevance to present-days societies.

Twitter: @COST_IS1301

Maria Rottler

Administratorin der Gemeinschaftsblogs Ordensgeschichte und Geschichte Bayerns; Netzwerke gelehrter Mönche. St. Emmeram im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Tagungsblog "Frobenius Forster"); Roman Zirngibl (Benediktiner in St. Emmeram, Historiker, Archivar)

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Maria Rottler (20. Juni 2014). Weblog: COST Action IS1301. New Communities of Interpretation [Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe]. Ordensgeschichte. Abgerufen am 18. Februar 2025 von

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