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Konf.: Comparing Catechism – Entangling Christian History

Veranstalter: Antje Flüchter (IKOS, Oslo); in cooperation with the Cluster Asia and Europe (Heidelberg/Germany)

Datum: 14.-16.05.2014

Ort: Oslo, P.A. Munch’s building, Seminar Room 14 & Georg Sverdrup’s building, Group Room 4


Christianity is mostly conceptualised as a particular European religion, whereas its transcultural character, its non-European origin and its non-European forms are mostly blinded out. Missionary translations claim to have maintained an orthodox Christian purity. The conference Comparing Catechisms – Entangling Christian History will challenge this perspective and look instead for transcultural dimensions of Christianity. To explore the scope of transculturation, of religious and dogmatic negotiation, the conference will focus on missionary work in Europe and the world and will compare catechisms and their translation.

14.5.2014 Venue: P.A. Munch’s building, Seminar Room 14

14.00-15.00 coffee and get together

15.00-15.30 Antje Flüchter (Oslo/Norway): Introduction: Comparing Catechism – Translating Religion?

1. Session: Chair: Antje Flüchter (Oslo/Norway)
15.30-16.30: Ana Hosne (Heidelberg/Germany): Finding, naming and translating the Christian God in the Jesuit missions (China, Japan, Peru, 16th-17 Centuries)
16.30.-17.30: Anand Amaladass (Chennai/India): The Mystery of the Holy Trinity in Roberto de Nobili’s “Catechism” (1577-1656)

15.5.2014 Venue: Georg Sverdrup’s building, Group Room 4

2. Session: Chair: Renate Dürr (Tübingen/Germany)
9.00-10.00 Karen Anderson (Toronto/Canada): The Christianization of women in 17th century New France and some 21st century entanglements
10.00-10.30 coffee break
10.30-11.30 Giulia Nardini (Heidelberg/Germany): The concept of wedding dharma in Nobili’s Gnana Upadesam
11.30-12.30 Leonardo Cohen (Jerusalem/Israel): Marian catechism as apologetic literature: The Jesuits and the devotion to the Virgin Mary in Ethiopia

3. Session: Gita Dharampal-Frick (Heidelberg/Germany)
14.00-15.00 John Steckley (Toronto/Canada): Making up Words: Father Jean de Brebeuf’s Wendat Catechism
15.00-16.00 Alex Walsham (Cambridge/UK) Posies against Pestilential Vapours: Catholic Translations of Peter Canisius’s Catechism in Protestant Britain

16.00-16.30 coffee break

Chair: Christina Brauner (Münster/Germany)
16.30-17.30 Maria Crăciun (Cluj/Romania): Interpreting Luther’s Small Catechism: definitions of sin within the Saxon community of early modern Transylvania
17.30-18.30 Flemming Nielsen (Nuuk/University of Greenland) The earliest Greenlandic catechisms

16.5.2014 Venue: Georg Sverdrup’s building, Group Room 4

4. Session: Chair: John Ødemark (Oslo/Norway)
10.00-11.00: Paolo Aranha (Munich/Germany): Sneaky catechisms: Was the Ezour Vedam a præparatio evangelica?
11.00-12.00: Kiri Paramore (Leiden/Netherlands) Inculturation in East Asia History: the Problem of Politicization

12.30-13.00 concluding discussion


Antje Fluechter

Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), Blindern, PO 1010, 0316 Oslo

Der Beitrag bei H-Soz-u-Kult: (11. 5. 2014)

Maria Rottler

Administratorin der Gemeinschaftsblogs Ordensgeschichte und Geschichte Bayerns; Netzwerke gelehrter Mönche. St. Emmeram im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Tagungsblog "Frobenius Forster"); Roman Zirngibl (Benediktiner in St. Emmeram, Historiker, Archivar)

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