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Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Nova Series 2 (2017)

Just before Christmas 2017, the Dominican Historical Institute (Rome) published the latest volume of the journal Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Nova Series 2 (2017) as a Christmas present to the Order and to all who are interested in its rich history. It contains ten interesting articles, written by researchers – historians and theologians – from seven countries, which take a minute examination of the various topics of the Order`s history from the 13th to the 20th century:

Simon Tugwell OP (Oxford):  Soundings in Exeter College Ms 15 and the Evolution of Vincent of Beauvais’s Speculum naturale

Elias Füllenbach OP (Düsseldorf): Hunting Dogs? Dominican Mission to the Jews in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries

Jörg Oberste (Regensburg): Omnibus fuit ipse dilectus. Das Bild des Heiligen Dominikus und das Ketzerproblem in der Frühen Geschichte des Dominikanerordens

Sonja Reisner (Wien): Die Bedeutung von Klosterbibliotheken als Überlieferungsträger Frühneuzeitlicher Privatbibliotheken. Ein Beispiel aus der Bibliothek des Wiener Dominikanerkonvents

Giuseppe Gardoni (Volta Mantovana): Per l’epistolario di Osanna Andreasi: un’inedita lettera di fine Quattrocento

Rafael Ramis-Barceló – Pedro Ramis-Serra (Palma de Mallorca): Los rectores del Colegio de Santo Domingo y San Jorge de Tortosa (1534-1803)

Albert Cassaynes-Roig – Rafael Ramis-Barceló (Palma de Mallorca): Los grados en teología tomista en la Universidad Luliana y Literaria de Mallorca (1692-1820)

Augustin Laffay OP (Toulouse): Des dominicains français en Amérique de Sud (1850-1914) : Missions en Amérique hispanique et fondation brésilienne

Darren Dias OP (Toronto): Sanctifying Liberalism: The Canadian Dominican Province 1873-1960

Michael Attridge (Toronto): Growth of the Order of Preachers in North America in the Nineteenth Century: The First Dominican Friars in Canada.

Since 2017, the journal has been registered in the research database EBSCO.

The volume costs EUR 45 in Italy, and EUR 55 outside Italy.

It can be ordered at:

Angelicum University Press
Largo Angelicum, 1
00184 Roma – Italia
ISSN: 0391-7320




Viliam Stefan Doci OP

Dominikaner, Theologe und Historiker, Präsident des Dominikanischen Historischen Instituts in Rom

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