CFP: Monasteries in the digital humanities | #HistMonastDH
Kraków-Tyniec, Benedictine Abbey, 13–16 September 2017
The conference is organised by the Friends of History Society in Wrocław, Branch of the Polish Historical Society, in collaboration with the Institute of History, University of Wrocław, Institute of History, University of Opole, and the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec
- Presentation of the history of monasteries and religious orders on the internet (monasticons, portals and blogs, websites, databases, maps etc.)
- Digital reconstruction of former monasteries, virtual monastery libraries, utility rooms in monasteries etc.
- Digitisation of the written legacy of monasteries
- Creation of platforms providing information and bringing together scholars researching monasteries
- Dissemination of knowledge of monasteries and religious orders online
- Possibilities of creating an online monasticon encompassing monasteries located both in Europe (including Poland) and other parts of the world
- Digital tools and resources in humanities research. Problems – solutions – proposals.
Please send us the proposed titles of your full papers (up to 20 min.) and short communication papers (up to 10 min.) to: before 15 November 2016.
The languages of the conference will be generally international conference languages. However, we may organise separate sections devoted to Polish topics.
We plan to publish a volume of conference proceedings.
The conference fee is PLN 200 (EUR 50).
We will provide full board and accommodation for participants from outside Poland and will reimburse their travel expenses.
Polish participants will cover the cost of accommodation, but will receive fees for preparing their papers (approx. PLN 500).
At the end of the conference, on 16 September, we will organise a tour of Kraków monasteries.
Yours sincerely,
Prof dr hab. Marek Derwich
Monika Michalska
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Monika Michalska (14. Oktober 2016). CFP: Monasteries in the digital humanities | #HistMonastDH. Ordensgeschichte. Abgerufen am 18. Februar 2025 von
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