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IMC 2016 | CfP: Between a Convent and the World: Social Practices of the Benedictines in Medieval Europe

Dear colleagues! Is anybody interested to give a paper in a session 114 “Between a Convent and the World: Social Practices of the Benedictines in Medieval Europe” (IMC Leeds)?


Any cloister had to define its position and identities both in the clerical and secular world. The Benedictines, although they initially proclaimed refusal of the world, eventually were more than other monks involved into social practices of the secular life. With the appearance of new religious orders and growth of towns, they had to rethink their identity and their mission, as well as adapt to new conditions and rise to the challenges brought with them. This process was reflected both in theological texts and daily routines. In this session we bring together their practices in both ecclesiastical and lay worlds.*context=IMC&*id=9&*formId=9&*requestType=query&conference=2016&*

Thanks for repost and/or share.

Irina Redkova, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

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Irina (30. April 2016). IMC 2016 | CfP: Between a Convent and the World: Social Practices of the Benedictines in Medieval Europe. Ordensgeschichte. Abgerufen am 14. Februar 2025 von

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