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Neuerscheinung: The Art of Cistercian Persuasion in the Middle Ages and Beyond. Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogue on Miracles and its Reception

The Art of Cistercian Persuasion in the Middle Ages and Beyond. Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogue on Miracles and its Reception, hg. von Victoria Smirnova, Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu, Jacques Berlioz (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions 196), 2015.

Focusing on the theory and practice of Cistercian persuasion, the articles gathered in this volume offer historical, literary critical and anthropological perspectives on Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogus Miraculorum (thirteenth century), the context of its production and other texts directly or indirectly inspired by it. The exempla inserted by Caesarius into a didactic dialogue between a monk and a novice survived for many centuries and travelled across the seas thanks to rewritings and translations into vernacular languages. An accomplished example of the art of persuasion —medieval and early modern— the Dialogus Miraculorum establishes a link not only between the monasteries, the mendicant circles and other religious congregations but also between the Middle Ages and Modernity, the Old and the New World.

Contributors are: Jacques Berlioz, Elisa Brilli, Danièle Dehouve, Pierre-Antoine Fabre, Marie Formarier, Jasmin Margarete Hlatky, Elena Koroleva, Nathalie Luca, Brian Patrick McGuire, Stefano Mula, Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu, Victoria Smirnova, and Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk.

(aus der Verlagsankündigung:

via Victoria Smirnova in der Facebook-Gruppe „Ordensgeschichte“

Maria Rottler

Administratorin der Gemeinschaftsblogs Ordensgeschichte und Geschichte Bayerns; Netzwerke gelehrter Mönche. St. Emmeram im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Tagungsblog "Frobenius Forster"); Roman Zirngibl (Benediktiner in St. Emmeram, Historiker, Archivar)

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Maria Rottler (29. Januar 2016). Neuerscheinung: The Art of Cistercian Persuasion in the Middle Ages and Beyond. Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogue on Miracles and its Reception. Ordensgeschichte. Abgerufen am 12. Februar 2025 von

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